In modern applications, handling tasks concurrently has become a norm, whether it’s fetching data from APIs, handling multiple I/O-bound tasks, or improving user experience in web applications. Asynchronous programming in Python enables us to manage these tasks more efficiently without creating multiple threads or processes.

The asyncio library provides the building blocks for asynchronous operations in Python, allowing us to write non-blocking code while using familiar syntax. In this article, we’ll explore the basics of async operations, the asyncio library, and how to use them with examples.

What is Async Programming?

Asynchronous programming is a way to write code that allows tasks to be paused and resumed, letting other tasks run in between. This is different from synchronous programming, where tasks are executed sequentially and a blocking operation can hold up an entire program. By using async programming, we can improve efficiency, especially for I/O-bound tasks like reading files, waiting for network responses, or database operations.

Asyncio Basics

asyncio is a powerful library in Python for writing concurrent code using async/await syntax. It provides two primary mechanisms: coroutines and tasks. A coroutine is a special function that can be paused and resumed, while a task is a coroutine that is scheduled to run in the background.

Let’s dive into some examples to see how asyncio works in practice.

Example 1: Creating a Basic Coroutine

Coroutines are the heart of async programming in Python. To create a coroutine, use the async keyword before the function definition. Calling this function won’t execute it immediately. Instead, it will return a coroutine object, which we can then run using await or by scheduling it with

import asyncio

async def greet(name):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")
    await asyncio.sleep(1)  # Simulate a delay
    print(f"Goodbye, {name}!")

# Running the coroutine"Alice"))

In this example, greet is a coroutine that prints a greeting, waits for 1 second using await asyncio.sleep(1), and then prints a goodbye message. await is used to pause the coroutine, allowing other tasks to run while it waits.

Example 2: Running Multiple Coroutines Concurrently

One of the primary benefits of asyncio is the ability to run multiple coroutines concurrently. To do this, we use asyncio.gather() to schedule multiple coroutines together, and to start the event loop.

import asyncio

async def fetch_data(site):
    print(f"Fetching data from {site}...")
    await asyncio.sleep(2)
    print(f"Finished fetching data from {site}.")

async def main():
    await asyncio.gather(
        fetch_data("Site A"),
        fetch_data("Site B"),
        fetch_data("Site C")

Here, fetch_data is a coroutine simulating an I/O-bound operation by waiting for 2 seconds. asyncio.gather() allows us to run fetch_data for three different sites concurrently. This means all three fetch operations will run at the same time rather than one after another, saving time.

Example 3: Using Tasks for Concurrent Execution

asyncio.create_task() enables us to schedule coroutines as background tasks. This is useful when we want to start a coroutine but don’t want to wait for it to complete immediately. The scheduled task will run as soon as the event loop is free.

import asyncio

async def background_task(name):
    print(f"Task {name} started.")
    await asyncio.sleep(3)
    print(f"Task {name} completed.")

async def main():
    task1 = asyncio.create_task(background_task("Task 1"))
    task2 = asyncio.create_task(background_task("Task 2"))

    print("Waiting for tasks to complete...")
    await task1  # Waits for task1 to finish
    await task2  # Waits for task2 to finish

Here, create_task schedules background_task to run in the background. Both tasks start immediately, and we use await on each to ensure completion before the program ends. This is helpful when you need to start tasks that operate independently from the main flow.

Example 4: Handling Timeout with asyncio.wait_for

Sometimes, a task might take too long, and you need to enforce a timeout. asyncio.wait_for() wraps a coroutine, allowing you to set a maximum amount of time it can take before raising a TimeoutError.

import asyncio

async def long_running_task():
    print("Long running task started...")
    await asyncio.sleep(5)
    print("Long running task completed.")

async def main():
        await asyncio.wait_for(long_running_task(), timeout=3)
    except asyncio.TimeoutError:
        print("The task took too long and was cancelled.")

In this case, wait_for will cancel long_running_task if it takes longer than 3 seconds. This feature is useful for managing slow responses or tasks where a strict time limit is required.

Example 5: Using Semaphores for Task Throttling

If you need to limit the number of tasks running concurrently, you can use an asyncio.Semaphore. A semaphore allows you to set a limit, ensuring that only a certain number of coroutines are active at any one time.

import asyncio

async def limited_task(sem, name):
    async with sem:  # Limit concurrent tasks
        print(f"Starting {name}")
        await asyncio.sleep(2)
        print(f"Completed {name}")

async def main():
    semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(2)  # Limit to 2 concurrent tasks
    tasks = [limited_task(semaphore, f"Task {i}") for i in range(5)]
    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

Here, only two tasks can run concurrently because of the semaphore limit, even though five tasks are created. This is particularly useful when working with rate-limited resources like API calls.


In this article, we explored the essentials of async programming with Python’s asyncio library, covering coroutines, concurrent execution with gather, background tasks with create_task, handling timeouts, and throttling with semaphores. Asynchronous programming can improve the efficiency of I/O-bound operations, but it’s important to use it judiciously as async code can become complex and difficult to debug.

With these examples, you should be equipped to use async operations in Python effectively. asyncio is a powerful tool, and with practice, you’ll find it opens up new possibilities for managing concurrency in your applications.